New Center for Battlefield Innovation Joins HPC2
July 27, 2012
A new Mississippi State University research center, the Center for Battlefield Innovation (CBI), has joined the multi-partnered High Performance Computing Collaboratory located in the Thad Cochran Research, Technology, and Economic Development Park. The center is dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions for the nation's armed forces. Headquartered in Vicksburg, the new center is a collaboration between the land-grant institution and the defense contractor
Mav6, which was named by Inc. magazine as the second-fastest-growing private company in Mississippi earlier this year.
The addition of the CBI to the HPC2 will broaden the expertise of several areas in which the HPC2 has existing research activities, including modeling and simulation of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), soldier systems, and small satellite activities.
Trey Breckenridge, HPC2 Director of Computing, stated, "We are thrilled to have CBI as a new partner in our group, and look forward to a very productive relationship. Our rich history in modeling and simulation will indeed help make this a good fit for both CBI and the HPC2, and the sharing of resources makes for a win-win situation for everyone."
"We are excited about this new partnership with Mav6, and believe that it will be a catalyst for further expansion of the university's research enterprise, as well as foster high-tech economic opportunities in our state," said David Shaw, Mississippi State's Vice President for research and economic development.
Leading the new center will be Henry L. Jones, II, a leading technology industry executive. Jones has an extensive track record of accomplishments with several successful technology companies in the defense, disaster response, finance and energy industries. Jones is a 1995 graduate of the University of Mississippi, where he earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. He earned a master's degree and his Ph.D. in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford University.
In his new role, Jones will work with Major Gen. Buford "Buff" Blount, U.S. Army (Retired), co-founder and chairman of Mav6, LLC, to leverage the new MSU center as an economic development engine for the state of Mississippi.
"Mississippians have shown their longstanding commitment to national defense, and resourcefulness in identifying new ways to secure the success and safety of our edgefighters. Dr. Jones will lead our efforts to tap into this pool of expertise," said Blount, the former commander of the 3rd Infantry Division who was named recently as chairman of the newly forming Mississippi Defense Initiative.